Simulating Machine Learning Applications on gem5-Aladdin
1 #include <fcntl.h>
2 #include <fstream>
3 #include <iostream>
5 #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
6 #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
8 #include "smaug/core/backend.h"
9 #include "smaug/core/graph.pb.h"
10 #include "smaug/core/network.h"
11 #include "smaug/core/network_builder.h"
12 #include "smaug/core/node.pb.h"
13 #include "smaug/core/tensor.h"
14 #include "smaug/core/tensor.pb.h"
15 #include "smaug/core/types.pb.h"
16 #include "smaug/core/workspace.h"
17 #include "smaug/operators/batch_norm_op.h"
18 #include "smaug/operators/common.h"
19 #include "smaug/operators/concat_op.h"
20 #include "smaug/operators/control_flow_ops.h"
21 #include "smaug/operators/convolution_op.h"
22 #include "smaug/operators/data_op.h"
23 #include "smaug/operators/depthwise_convolution_op.h"
24 #include "smaug/operators/eltwise_add_op.h"
25 #include "smaug/operators/eltwise_mul_op.h"
26 #include "smaug/operators/elu_op.h"
27 #include "smaug/operators/greater_op.h"
28 #include "smaug/operators/inner_product_op.h"
29 #include "smaug/operators/less_op.h"
30 #include "smaug/operators/padding_op.h"
31 #include "smaug/operators/pooling_op.h"
32 #include "smaug/operators/relu_op.h"
33 #include "smaug/operators/reorder_op.h"
34 #include "smaug/operators/repeat_op.h"
35 #include "smaug/operators/reshape_op.h"
36 #include "smaug/operators/sigmoid_op.h"
37 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_batch_norm_op.h"
38 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_convolution_op.h"
39 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_eltwise_add_op.h"
40 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_eltwise_mul_op.h"
41 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_elu_op.h"
42 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_greater_op.h"
43 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_inner_product_op.h"
44 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_less_op.h"
45 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_pooling_op.h"
46 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_relu_op.h"
47 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_sigmoid_op.h"
48 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_softmax_op.h"
49 #include "smaug/operators/smv/smv_tanh_op.h"
50 #include "smaug/operators/softmax_op.h"
51 #include "smaug/operators/split_op.h"
52 #include "smaug/operators/tanh_op.h"
53 #include "smaug/utility/debug_stream.h"
54 #include "smaug/utility/utils.h"
56 using namespace smaug;
57 using namespace std;
59 ActivationInfo getActivationInfo(const ActivationParams& params) {
60  ActivationInfo actInfo;
61  OpType opType = params.activation();
62  switch (opType) {
63  case OpType::ReLU:
64  actInfo.function = activation_type::RELU;
65  break;
66  case OpType::LReLU:
67  actInfo.function = activation_type::LRELU;
68  actInfo.params.slope = params.lrelu_params().slope();
69  break;
70  case OpType::ELU:
71  actInfo.function = activation_type::ELU;
72  actInfo.params.alpha = params.elu_params().alpha();
73  break;
74  case OpType::SELU:
75  actInfo.function = activation_type::SELU;
76  actInfo.params.alpha = params.elu_params().alpha();
77  actInfo.params.lambda = params.elu_params().lambda_param();
78  break;
79  case OpType::Tanh:
80  actInfo.function = activation_type::TANH;
81  break;
82  case OpType::HardTanh:
83  actInfo.function = activation_type::HARD_TANH;
84  actInfo.params.min = params.hard_tanh_params().min();
85  actInfo.params.max = params.hard_tanh_params().max();
86  break;
87  case OpType::Sigmoid:
88  actInfo.function = activation_type::SIGMOID;
89  break;
90  case OpType::Softmax:
91  actInfo.function = activation_type::SOFTMAX;
92  default:
93  actInfo.function = activation_type::NO_ACTIVATION;
94  }
95  return actInfo;
96 }
98 // Create an operator by deserializing a node in the graph, and add it to the
99 // network.
100 template <typename Backend>
101 static void createAndAddOperator(const NodeProto& node,
102  const TensorDataArray& tensorDataArray,
103  HostMemoryAccessPolicy memPolicy,
104  Network* network,
105  Workspace* workspace) {
106  const std::string& name =;
107  OpType type = node.op();
109  dout(0) << "Adding " << name << " (" << OpType_Name(type) << ").\n";
111  if (type == OpType::Data) {
112  // Find the tensor data from the tensor data array.
113  TensorData tensorData;
114  for (int i = 0; i < tensorDataArray.data_array_size(); i++) {
115  if (tensorDataArray.data_array(i).name() ==
116  node.input_tensors(0).name()) {
117  tensorData = tensorDataArray.data_array(i);
118  break;
119  }
120  }
121  auto inputTensor = workspace->addTensor(
122  new Tensor(node.input_tensors(0), tensorData));
123  auto inputTensorOp = Backend::createDataOp(name, workspace);
124  inputTensorOp->setData(inputTensor);
125  network->addOperator(inputTensorOp);
126  } else if (type == OpType::Convolution3d ||
127  type == OpType::ConvolutionDepthwise) {
129  if (type == OpType::Convolution3d)
130  op = Backend::createConvolutionOp(name, workspace);
131  else
132  op = Backend::createDepthwiseConvolutionOp(name, workspace);
133  assert(node.input_tensors_size() == 2);
134  const TensorProto& filterTensorProto = node.input_tensors(1);
135  const TensorShapeProto& shapeProto = filterTensorProto.shape();
136  assert(shapeProto.dims_size() == 4);
137  if (shapeProto.layout() == NCHW) {
138  op->setWeightDims(
139  shapeProto.dims(2), shapeProto.dims(3), shapeProto.dims(0));
140  } else {
141  op->setWeightDims(
142  shapeProto.dims(1), shapeProto.dims(2), shapeProto.dims(0));
143  }
144  const ConvParams& convParams = node.params().conv_params();
145  assert(convParams.stride_size() == 2);
146  op->setStride(convParams.stride(0), convParams.stride(1));
147  op->setPadding(convParams.padding());
148  op->setActivation(getActivationInfo(node.params().act_params()));
149  network->addOperator(op);
150  } else if (type == OpType::MaxPooling || type == OpType::AveragePooling) {
151  PoolingOp<Backend>* op;
152  if (type == MaxPooling)
153  op = Backend::createMaxPoolingOp(name, workspace);
154  else
155  op = Backend::createAvgPoolingOp(name, workspace);
156  const PoolParams& poolParams = node.params().pool_params();
157  assert(poolParams.stride_size() == 2);
158  assert(poolParams.pool_size_size() == 2);
159  op->setPoolingSize(poolParams.pool_size(0), poolParams.pool_size(1));
160  op->setPoolingStride(poolParams.stride(0), poolParams.stride(1));
161  network->addOperator(op);
162  } else if (type == OpType::InnerProduct) {
163  auto op = Backend::createInnerProductOp(name, workspace);
164  assert(node.input_tensors_size() == 2);
165  const TensorProto& weightTensorProto = node.input_tensors(1);
166  if (weightTensorProto.shape().layout() == NC)
167  op->setNumOutputs(weightTensorProto.shape().dims(0));
168  else
169  op->setNumOutputs(weightTensorProto.shape().dims(1));
170  op->setActivation(getActivationInfo(node.params().act_params()));
171  network->addOperator(op);
172  } else if (type == OpType::Reorder) {
173  DataLayout srcLayout = node.input_tensors(0).shape().layout();
174  DataLayout targetLayout = node.output_tensors(0).shape().layout();
175  ReorderOp<Backend>* op;
176  if (node.input_tensors(0).shape().dims_size() == 4 &&
177  (targetLayout == NC || targetLayout == CN)) {
178  op = Backend::createFlattenOp(name, workspace);
179  } else {
180  op = Backend::createReorderOp(name, workspace);
181  op->setTargetLayout(node.output_tensors(0).shape().layout());
182  }
183  network->addOperator(op);
184  } else if (type == OpType::Concat) {
185  auto op = Backend::createConcatOp(name, workspace);
186  op->setNumInputs(node.input_tensors_size());
187  op->setConcatAxis(node.params().concat_params().concat_axis());
188  network->addOperator(op);
189  } else if (type == OpType::Split) {
190  auto op = Backend::createSplitOp(name, workspace);
191  int axis = node.params().split_params().split_axis();
192  std::vector<int> splits;
193  for (const auto& tensor : node.output_tensors())
194  splits.push_back(tensor.shape().dims(axis));
195  op->setSplits(splits);
196  op->setSplitAxis(axis);
197  network->addOperator(op);
198  } else if (type == OpType::Reshape) {
199  auto op = Backend::createReshapeOp(name, workspace);
200  const TensorShapeProto& shapeProto = node.output_tensors(0).shape();
201  std::vector<int> shape(
202  shapeProto.dims().begin(), shapeProto.dims().end());
203  DataLayout layout = shapeProto.layout();
204  op->setShape(shape, layout);
205  network->addOperator(op);
206  } else if (type == OpType::Repeat) {
207  auto op = Backend::createRepeatOp(name, workspace);
208  const TensorShapeProto& inputShape = node.input_tensors(0).shape();
209  const TensorShapeProto& outputShape = node.output_tensors(0).shape();
210  std::vector<int> multiples;
211  for (int i = 0; i < inputShape.dims_size(); i++)
212  multiples.push_back(outputShape.dims(i) / inputShape.dims(i));
213  op->setMultiples(multiples);
214  network->addOperator(op);
215  } else if (type == OpType::BatchNorm) {
216  auto op = Backend::createBatchNormOp(name, workspace);
217  op->setActivation(getActivationInfo(node.params().act_params()));
218  network->addOperator(op);
219  } else if (type == OpType::EltwiseAdd) {
220  auto op = Backend::createEltwiseAddOp(name, workspace);
221  network->addOperator(op);
222  } else if (type == OpType::EltwiseMul) {
223  auto op = Backend::createEltwiseMulOp(name, workspace);
224  network->addOperator(op);
225  } else if (type == OpType::Less) {
226  auto op = Backend::createLessOp(name, workspace);
227  network->addOperator(op);
228  } else if (type == OpType::LessEqual) {
229  auto op = Backend::createLessEqualOp(name, workspace);
230  network->addOperator(op);
231  } else if (type == OpType::Greater) {
232  auto op = Backend::createGreaterOp(name, workspace);
233  network->addOperator(op);
234  } else if (type == OpType::GreaterEqual) {
235  auto op = Backend::createGreaterEqualOp(name, workspace);
236  network->addOperator(op);
237  } else if (type == OpType::Switch) {
238  auto op = Backend::createSwitchOp(name, workspace);
239  network->addOperator(op);
240  } else if (type == OpType::Merge) {
241  auto op = Backend::createMergeOp(name, workspace);
242  op->setNumInputs(node.input_tensors_size());
243  network->addOperator(op);
244  } else if (type == OpType::ReLU) {
245  auto op = Backend::createReluOp(name, workspace);
246  network->addOperator(op);
247  } else if (type == OpType::LReLU) {
248  // TODO: Add parameter to enable customization of this behavior.
249  auto op = Backend::createReluOp(name, workspace);
250  op->setSlope(0.1);
251  network->addOperator(op);
252  } else if (type == OpType::ELU) {
253  auto op = Backend::createEluOp(name, workspace);
254  network->addOperator(op);
255  } else if (type == OpType::SELU) {
256  auto op = Backend::createSeluOp(name, workspace);
257  network->addOperator(op);
258  } else if (type == OpType::Sigmoid) {
259  auto op = Backend::createSigmoidOp(name, workspace);
260  network->addOperator(op);
261  } else if (type == OpType::Softmax) {
262  auto op = Backend::createSoftmaxOp(name, workspace);
263  network->addOperator(op);
264  } else if (type == OpType::Tanh) {
265  auto op = Backend::createTanhOp(name, workspace);
266  network->addOperator(op);
267  } else if (type == OpType::Padding) {
268  auto op = Backend::createPaddingOp(name, workspace);
269  op->setPaddingSize(node.params().padding_params().padding_size());
270  network->addOperator(op);
271  } else if (type == OpType::HardTanh) {
272  auto op = Backend::createHardTanhOp(name, workspace);
273  network->addOperator(op);
274  } else if (type == OpType::UnknownOp) {
275  assert(false && "Invalid operator type!");
276  }
278  Operator* op = network->getOperator(name);
279  // Set the sampling info for the operator if it supports sampling.
280  if (op->isSamplingSupported())
281  op->setSamplingInfo(network->getSamplingInfo());
282  // Set the memory access types for the operator's data.
283  if (memPolicy == HostMemoryAccessPolicy::AllDma) {
284  op->setInputsMemType(MemoryType::dma);
285  op->setWeightsMemType(MemoryType::dma);
286  op->setOutputsMemType(MemoryType::dma);
287  } else if (memPolicy == HostMemoryAccessPolicy::AllAcp) {
288  op->setInputsMemType(MemoryType::acp);
289  op->setWeightsMemType(MemoryType::acp);
290  op->setOutputsMemType(MemoryType::acp);
291  } else if (memPolicy == HostMemoryAccessPolicy::AllAcpWithDmaForWeights) {
292  op->setInputsMemType(MemoryType::acp);
293  op->setWeightsMemType(MemoryType::dma);
294  op->setOutputsMemType(MemoryType::acp);
295  } else if (memPolicy == HostMemoryAccessPolicy::UnknownMemoryPolicy) {
296  assert(false && "Invalid host memory access policy!");
297  }
299  // Create the output tensors and allocate storage for them.
300  // TODO: The tensor storage allocation can be deferred until scheduling
301  // time, which can benefit future control flow operators because the untaken
302  // branch of the control flow will not have that memory allocated and
303  // filled.
304  for (int i = 0; i < op->getOutputs().size(); i++) {
305  if (!op->getOutput(i)) {
306  const TensorProto& tensorProto = node.output_tensors(i);
307  Tensor* output = workspace->addTensor(
308  new Tensor(, tensorProto.shape()));
309  output->allocateStorage(tensorProto.data_type());
310  op->setOutput(output, i);
311  }
312  }
313 }
315 // Create the network by deserializing the graph stored in the
316 // protobuf model.
317 template <typename Backend>
318 static Network* createNetworkFromProto(const GraphProto& graphProto,
319  const TensorDataArray& tensorDataArray,
320  SamplingInfo& sampling,
321  Workspace* workspace) {
322  Network* network = new Network(;
323  network->setSamplingInfo(sampling);
324  for (int i = 0; i < graphProto.nodes_size(); i++) {
325  const NodeProto& node = graphProto.nodes(i);
326  createAndAddOperator<Backend>(node,
327  tensorDataArray,
328  graphProto.mem_policy(),
329  network,
330  workspace);
331  }
333  // Now every operator has been added into the network, we can connect them
334  // together by adding edges in the graph view of the network.
335  for (int i = 0; i < graphProto.nodes_size(); i++) {
336  const NodeProto& node = graphProto.nodes(i);
337  Operator* op = network->getOperator(;
338  for (int i = 0; i < node.parents_size(); i++) {
339  std::string inputOpName = node.parents(i);
340  int srcTensorIdx = node.src_tensors_indices(i);
341  Operator* inputOp = network->getOperator(inputOpName);
342  network->addEdge(inputOp, op, { srcTensorIdx, i });
343  }
344  }
346  // Flowing through the graph edges (by doing a topological sort), we forward
347  // the output tensors of each operator (aka node) to its children.
348  const Graph& graph = network->getGraph();
349  EdgeNameMap edges = get(boost::edge_name, graph);
350  std::list<Vertex> vertices;
351  boost::topological_sort(graph, std::front_inserter(vertices));
352  for (auto v : vertices) {
353  Operator* op = get(boost::vertex_op, graph, v);
354  const std::vector<TensorBase*>& outputs = op->getOutputs();
355  out_edge_iter outEdgeIt, outEdgeEnd;
356  int srcIdx, destIdx;
357  for (boost::tie(outEdgeIt, outEdgeEnd) = out_edges(v, graph);
358  outEdgeIt != outEdgeEnd;
359  ++outEdgeIt) {
360  Vertex childVertex = target(*outEdgeIt, graph);
361  Operator* child = get(boost::vertex_op, graph, childVertex);
362  const TensorIndices& indices = edges[*outEdgeIt];
363  child->setInput(op->getOutput(indices.srcIdx), indices.destIdx);
364  }
365  }
367  return network;
368 }
370 Network* smaug::buildNetwork(const std::string& modelTopo,
371  const std::string& modelParams,
372  SamplingInfo& sampling,
373  Workspace* workspace) {
374  // Parse the network topology from the protobuf text file.
375  GraphProto graph;
376  int modelTopoDescriptor = open(modelTopo.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
377  if (modelTopoDescriptor < 0) {
378  cout << modelTopo << ": network topology file not found." << endl;
379  exit(1);
380  }
381  google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream modelTopoInput(modelTopoDescriptor);
382  if (!google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(&modelTopoInput, &graph)) {
383  cout << "Failed to parse the network topology file!" << endl;
384  exit(1);
385  }
386  // Parse the network parameters from the protobuf binary file.
387  TensorDataArray tensorDataArray;
388  fstream modelParamsFile(modelParams, ios::in | ios::binary);
389  if (!modelParamsFile) {
390  cout << modelParams << ": network parameters file not found." << endl;
391  exit(1);
392  } else if (!tensorDataArray.ParseFromIstream(&modelParamsFile)) {
393  cout << "Failed to parse the network parameters file.\n";
394  exit(1);
395  }
397  cout << "======================================================\n";
398  cout << " Loading the network model...\n";
399  cout << "======================================================\n";
400  Network* network = nullptr;
401  if (graph.backend() == ReferenceBackend::Name) {
402  network = createNetworkFromProto<ReferenceBackend>(
403  graph, tensorDataArray, sampling, workspace);
404  } else if (graph.backend() == SmvBackend::Name) {
405  network = createNetworkFromProto<SmvBackend>(
406  graph, tensorDataArray, sampling, workspace);
407  } else {
408  assert(false && "Unknown backend!");
409  }
411  cout << "======================================================\n";
412  cout << " Summary of the network.\n";
413  cout << "======================================================\n";
414  network->printSummary();
415  return network;
416 }
Tensor represents a single multi-dimensional array of data.
Definition: tensor.h:344
const DebugStream & dout(int debugLevel)
Returns a DebugStream instance for the given debug level.
Definition: debug_stream.cpp:16
Network encapsulates all of the information SMAUG will use during execution: the overall computation ...
Definition: network.h:39
Simulation sampling information maintained by the Operator and passed to the accelerated kernel.
Definition: common.h:262
Additional metadata for edges in the graph.
Definition: typedefs.h:22
Specifies an activation function and relevant parameters.
Definition: common.h:210
Network * buildNetwork(const std::string &modelTopoFile, const std::string &modelParamsFile, SamplingInfo &sampling, Workspace *workspace)
buildNetwork reads the specified model topology and parameters protobufs and simulation sampling dire...
Definition: network_builder.cpp:370
T * allocateStorage()
Allocates memory to store Tensor data.
Definition: tensor.h:473
Workspace is the container and owner of all Tensors and Operators in the Network.
Definition: workspace.h:17
Operator is the base class for all graph operators supported by SMAUG.
Definition: operator.h:28
The smaug namespace is the parent namespace of all C++ code in SMAUG.
Definition: backend.cpp:38
Utilities for writing and invoking Aladdin kernels from Operators.
The base class for all 4D spatial convolution operators.
Definition: backend.h:33
Implements a Tensor reordering operation to convert between different DataLayouts.
Definition: backend.h:40
Implements a pooling operator.
Definition: pooling_op.h:22