Simulating Machine Learning Applications on gem5-Aladdin
Overall execution flow

When you create a model in Python, you will produce two protobuf files. The first describes the topology of the model: each operation in the graph, its input/output tensors, and the dependencies between operators. The second contains all the parameters to the model. These two files, plus any additional options, are passed to SMAUG.

./smaug model_topo.pb model_params.pb [additional_options]

SMAUG reads the protos to build the operator graph and populate the tensors with the provided data. Then, it tiles all the inputs to each tensor. This is done ahead of time because it only needs to be done once for the entire model.

The next step is to schedule each operator in the graph for execution and run them. This is the first point at which simulation will differ from native execution. All the work done up to here has been data loading and preprocessing. In simulation, this part can be fast-forwarded to save time, so in gem5, this is run with the AtomicCPU model. Once tiling is complete, we switch to the detailed out-of-order model, which is used for the rest of the simulation.

Scheduling consists of two levels: operator and tiling. Operator scheduling sorts the graph topographically and schedules different operators based on their data dependences. Tile scheduling determines when each tile of each operator will be run onto the underlying hardware. This will be discussed more in Tiling optimizers in SMAUG. During scheduling, SMAUG can take advantage of multi-threading and multiple accelerators to exploit data-level parallelism (see SMAUG in simulation).

Finally, when the model is finished, the output of the model (i.e. the last output tensor) is written either to a proto, a file, or stdout.

The smaug namespace is the parent namespace of all C++ code in SMAUG.
Definition: backend.cpp:38