Adding a new operator

To add a new operator to SMAUG, we first need to implement the actual operator in C++. Please see the C++ tutorial for details. Once that is done, all that is left is to expose a Python API which will add the operator to the model.

Because at their core, Python operators simply add nodes to the graph, we can build arbitrarily complex operators in Python that invoke other Python operators. We will start simple, and then demonstrate more complex examples.

Adding a simple Python operator

A simple Python operator is one that adds only a single underlying SMAUG operator. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll continue using the MyCustomOperator operator we built in the C++ tutorial, which implements an elementwise add. This operator is as simple as it can get: it takes just two input tensors and no additional parameters and produces a single output tensor.

First, go to smaug/python/ops. All operators are defined in Python files here, organized by operator type. For example, math_ops contains arithmetic operators like add/multiply/etc, while array_ops contains operators for manipulating tensors by reshaping/concatentating/etc. In practice, we would add a new operator to an existing file there. But for the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll create a brand new file called

A SMAUG Python operator takes some number of input tensors, additional operator parameters (if appropriate), and returns some number of output tensors. Input and output tensors are all represented as smaug.Tensor objects. The work that’s done is to add a properly formed NodeProto to the GraphProto with the smaug.python.ops.common.add_node() API. Here’s how the file might look:

from smaug.core import node_pb2, types_pb2
from smaug.python.ops import common

def my_custom_operator(tensor_a, tensor_b, name="my_custom_operator"):
  if tensor_a.shape.dims != tensor_b.shape.dims:
    raise ValueError(
        "The input tensors to MyCustomOperator must be of the same shape")
  return common.add_node(
    input_tensors=[tensor_a, tensor_b],

The name parameter is actually a prefix for the actual name of the node that’s added to the graph. SMAUG will automatically generate a unique suffix to ensure that no two nodes have the same name. Also, common.add_node() returns a list of tensors, but in our case, we have only one, so to simplify our API, we just return the first element. There are other optional parameters to common.add_node(), but they aren’t needed in this basic scenario.

The final step is to expose this operator at the global smaug module level. Open up smaug/ and add the following line:

from smaug.python.ops import my_custom_operator

And that’s it! You’re now ready to use this new operator in a new model. Users will refer to it as smaug.my_custom_operator.my_custom_operator. Obviously, the name for this small example is quite repetitive and uninformative, but in practice, you would use a more descriptive module and operator name.

Adding an operator with additional parameters

Some operators require additional parameters beyond just the input tensors. For example, you may want to specify padding or stride lengths to a convolution. If your operator needs additional parameters, you will need to add a custom parameter protobuf message to store them. Open smaug/core/node.proto. This file contains the NodeProto definition along with various operator-specific parameters. Then follow these steps.

  1. Define a new message to store your operator’s parameters.

  2. Add it as a oneof field in the Params message.

  3. Build a Params proto in your Python operator, populate it, and pass it to common.add_node().

As an example, suppose our custom operator actually performed the operation A + x*B, where x is a user-defined scalar. Then we would add a parameter message like so:

message MyCustomOperatorParams {
  float scale_factor = 1;

message Params {
  oneof value {
    # ... if we already have five other parameters already here...
    MyCustomOperatorParams my_custom_operator_params = 6;
  # ... anything else already here ...
def my_custom_operator(tensor_a, tensor_b, scale_factor=1.0 name=None):
  if tensor_a.shape.dims != tensor_b.shape.dims:
    raise ValueError(
        "The input tensors to MyCustomOperator must be of the same shape")
  params = node_pb2.Params()
  params.my_custom_operator_params.scale_factor = scale_factor
  return common.add_node(
    input_tensors=[tensor_a, tensor_b],

Adding a complex Python operator

Since Python operators simply add nodes to the graph, we can call Python operators from each other. As a very simple example, we can chain together two instances of MyCustomOperator:

def my_custom_operator_chained(
    tensor_a, tensor_b, scale_factor=1.0 name="my_custom_operator_chained"):
  if tensor_a.shape.dims != tensor_b.shape.dims:
    raise ValueError(
        "The input tensors to MyCustomOperator must be of the same shape")
  params = node_pb2.Params()
  params.my_custom_operator_params.scale_factor = scale_factor
  output_tensor_1 = my_custom_operator(
      tensor_a, tensor_b, scale_factor, name=name)
  return my_custom_operator(
      output_tensor_1, tensor_b, scale_factor, name=name)