Source code for smaug.python.node

import sys
import numpy as np

from smaug.core import node_pb2
from smaug.core import types_pb2
from smaug.python import global_vars
from smaug.python import datatypes

[docs]class Node: def __init__(self, name, op, params=None, inputs=None, outputs=None): """Create a node. A `Node` instance contains information about its corresponding operation, including the operator type, parameters and input/output tensors. A `Graph` is made up of `Node`s. When serialized, a `NodeProto` is created. Args: name: Name of the node. op: `OpType` representing the operation type of the node. params: `Params` used by the operator (optional). inputs: A list of `Tensor` (optional). outputs: A list of `Tensor` (optional). Returns: A `Node` instance. """ self._name = name self._op = op self._params = params self._inputs = [] if inputs is None else inputs self._outputs = [] if outputs is None else outputs @property def name(self): return self._name @property def op(self): return self._op @property def inputs(self): return self._inputs @property def outputs(self): return self._outputs
[docs] def add_input(self, tensor): """Add an input tensor to the node. Args: tensor: A `Tensor`. """ self._inputs.append(tensor)
[docs] def add_output(self, tensor): """Add an output tensor to the node. Args: tensor: A `Tensor`. """ self._outputs.append(tensor)
[docs] def update_input(self, tensor, index): """Update the `index`th input with `tensor`. Args: tensor: A `Tensor` representing the new input. index: The input index. """ self._inputs[index] = tensor
[docs] def get_parents(self): """Get the parents of the node. Returns: A list of strings representing names of the parent nodes. """ parents = [] for tensor in self._inputs: if tensor.source is not None: parents.append( return parents
[docs] def get_children(self): """Get the children of the node. Returns: A list of strings representing names of the children nodes. """ children = [] for tensor in self._outputs: for target in tensor.targets: children.append( return children
[docs] def to_proto(self, tensor_data_array): """Serialize `Node` into `NodeProto`. Args: tensor_data_array: `TensorDataArray` that tensor data gets serialized into. Returns: A `NodeProto`. """ node_proto = node_pb2.NodeProto() = self._name node_proto.op = self._op if self._params is not None: node_proto.params.CopyFrom(self._params) for tensor in self._inputs: if tensor.source is not None: node_proto.parents.append( node_proto.src_tensors_indices.append(tensor.source_index) tensor_proto = node_proto.input_tensors.add() tensor.to_tensor_proto(tensor_proto, tensor_data_array) for tensor in self._outputs: tensor_proto = node_proto.output_tensors.add() tensor.to_tensor_proto(tensor_proto, tensor_data_array) return node_proto